
Female Condom


Art Direction, Audience Research, Branding, Copywriting, Creative Strategy, Illustration, Infographic Design, Logo Design, Packaging Design, Prototyping






Lula is an FDA-approved brand that specializes in female condoms and personal lubricants. Its goal is to create visually appealing and user-friendly packaging for affordable, easy-to-wear female condoms available in various sizes. The design reflects Lula’s mission to empower women, encouraging them to confidently prioritize safe and responsible sexual choices with an engaging and impactful visual identity.


Before Lula entered the market, Veru Inc. was the only company with an FDA-approved female condom, recognized for its safety and efficacy. In 2017, the company shifted to a prescription-based model, limiting its accessibility to the general public. Currently, female condoms are available in only one size and are priced between $2.50 and $5 each, significantly higher than male condoms.

Brand Concept

Leveraging dynamic illustrations characterized by bold lines and vibrant colors, the design approach aims to make a visually impactful statement that not only grabs attention but also leaves a lasting impression. This intentional visual strategy is crafted to empower women and advocate for the assertive prioritization of safe and responsible sexual choices.

Furthermore, the messaging centers around the concept of a trustworthy friend—authentic, transparent, and reliable. This design decision was chosen to create a welcoming and non-judgmental environment, enabling women to confidently navigate and discover the products they need at an affordable price.

Each Lula female condom packaging is thoughtfully illustrated and color-coded to ensure a user-friendly experience. Lula offers two types of packaging: a large box and a small box. The large box includes 10 polyurethane condoms, a user-friendly applicator for effortless insertion, and an instruction card. The small box contains three polyurethane condoms with instructions written on the back.

Small and large-sized female condom.

The instructions provide a visual guide to help users easily use Lula’s female condoms.

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